Winter Music Therapy Offerings
We invite you to explore our music therapy offerings for Winter 2025 below:
Music Mondays
A weekly music therapy virtual group session where families can come together to share in the power of music
We are excited to extend a warm invitation to you and your loved ones to join us for an exciting 7-week Zoom Music Therapy Group, starting Monday, January 20 and concluding on April 7.
Our hope is that this group will foster joy, uplift spirits, and create connection, all from the comfort of your own home. Each session will offer a safe space for expression, relaxation, and exploration through the power of music.
Whether you’re looking to unwind, bond with your family, or simply enjoy the therapeutic benefits of music, we welcome you to join us on this meaningful journey.
Date: Monday, January 20 to April 7 (no group February 17)
Time: 10–10:45 a.m.
Location: Zoom
Age Group: Intended for all families and their close friends
Holiday Zoom Parties
Hearts in Harmony Valentines Day Music Party
Please join Canuck Place Music Therapist, Michaela Wallis, for an afternoon of love notes and music notes! Our goal for these holiday-themed musical parties is to provide a space where you can connect with other Canuck Place families and make memories around the different holidays throughout the year. We encourage families to bring their own instruments and share your favourite love-themed songs with Michaela ahead of the session. Festive attire welcome!
Date: February 14
Time: 3-3:45 p.m.
Location: Zoom
Age Group: Intended for all families and their close friends
Complete the form below to express interest in any of our music therapy offerings:
Family Engagement at CPCH
Children and family are at the centre of the care provided at CPCH. We respond to the voices of our patients and families, and collaborate on improving care by working directly with families. Partnering with families and acknowledging their living and lived experiences are vital and valuable components to improving our program services. The vision for the framework is to ensure consistent, safe, and respectful engagement with children, youth, and families at CPCH, to fully represent the diverse perspectives and promote continual improvement of pediatric palliative care and services.